and it begins....
Ok, I just sent out the invite, so I expect to see some traffic on here soon! If any of you have questions about how this blogger action works, check in with me or someone else you know who has a blog already. Remember, short or long, this is a place for us to put up thoughts, questions, comments, bad puns, snide remarks...whatever. This is especially a great place for all those deep insights we know everyone is having on Wednesday's, but that don't always get shared there.
I've got to say that listening to you guys sing to Jesus tonight was amazing. Especially on the song, Prince of Peace...I have been in so many setting where one gender outsang the other on that song. It's a reflection on how unbalanced we are as a community sometimes. But to hear strong men and godly women all singing with full hearts- that was super encouraging. Guys- your leadership and godliness, and the respect with which you treat each other and the women around you, are more of a blessing than you could know. Girls- your faithful and strong hearts, allowing yourselves to be made beautiful first and foremost by our rocks my socks off.
Sooo...get this thang rolling, and expect posted pics and tales from the Grand Canyon come next week. New Year's resolution...check!