Sunday, January 06, 2008

Out-hosers at Christmas time

An Outhouse classic: the toilet seat brought for the gift exchange

The boys are stoked about their gifts! Nice magazine, Andrew....

The whole dang gang

The graham cracker fortress built by the men of the house

Uh...Adam...what are you doing?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

from "The Contemplative Pastor" by Eugene Peterson:

Flash floods of tears, torrents of them,
Erode cruel canyons, exposing
Long forgotten strata of life
Laid down in the peaceful decades:
A badlands beauty. The same sun
That decorates each day with colors
From arroyos and mesas, also shows
Every old scar and cut of lament.
Weeping washes the wounds clean
And leaves them to heal, which always
Takes an age or two. No pain
Is ugly in the past tense. Under
The Mercy every hurt is a fossil
Link in the great chain of becoming.
Pick and shovel prayers often
Turn them up in valleys of death.